Hidden in plain sight
she remembers the factory.
It resembles any other factory. Hidden in plain sight
he remembers the building site.
It resembles any other building site. Hidden in plain sight
they remember the mine.
It resembles any other mine. Hidden in plain sight
she remembers the beauty salon.
It resembles any other beauty salon. Hidden in plain sight
he remembers the vineyard.
It resembles any other vineyard. Hidden in plain sight
she remembers the kitchen.
It resembles any other kitchen. Hidden in plain sight
they remember the boat.
It resembles any other boat.
Yet beneath the ground and grass,
grapes, plates,
waves and nails
is the wounding and dying of Jesus.
His face is imprint on the torn dress and bloodied jeans.
Her arms cross to shield from blows. Their feet long for home and
their eyes are mines of sorrow.
The canaries have forgotten how to sing. But a thousand bellbirds tell of all
that’s hopeful in the world.
Anne Powell ©

Sculpture: Let the Oppressed Go Free by Timothy Schmalz © Used with permission sculpturebytps.com
The sculpture shows St Josephine Bakhita freeing those trafficked and enslaved.
First published in Tui Motu InterIslands Independent Catholic Magazine Issue 268 March 2022