Slavery-free Easter Chocolate

8 February 2021


Children as young as 12 years old are picking cocoa in West Africa to make the chocolate we eat. Some of these children are trafficked.  Most are forced to pick cocoa from an early age for minimal or no wages, for long hours, in dangerous working conditions, without any possibility of attending school.  Most of these children have never tasted chocolate and they never will.


Chocolate eaters around the world have made a difference already. A decade ago, slavery-free chocolate was hard to find in our shops.

Some successes are:

Cadbury dairy milk chocolate bars made in Australia have been certified Fairtrade.

All Nestle chocolate made in Australia and New Zealand is now UTZ certified.

Waikato Valley (suppliers of Easter Eggs and Bunnies to the Warehouse) say their chocolate is ethically sourced and human trafficking free. Their cocoa supplier, “Cargill has made a number of strong commitments in regard to their cocoa sourcing and supply, particularly around human rights, land rights and child labour.” Waikato Valley spokesperson.

Whittakers best-selling Dark Ghana chocolate block is Fair Trade.  116 other Whittakers’ products are Rainforest Alliance certified.

Often local or craft chocolatiers use ethically sourced cocoa products.

What You Can Do?

Join with millions of people around the world who now buy and eat only slavery-free chocolate. To buy slavery-free Easter chocolate look for any of these certification labels on the wrappers: FAIRTRADE, Rainforest Alliance and UTZ.


  • Talk about slavery-free chocolate – tell five friends or family members about slavery-free chocolate.
  • Invite others in your community to join the Slavery-free Easter campaign.
  • If it is not slavery free chocolate, then write to the manufacturer i.e. Lindt, Cadbury etc and ask them when they plan to make the product using cocoa certified to be slavery free.
  • If your favourite chocolate is slavery-free write to the manufacturer and congratulate them on what they are doing towards the reduction of child slavery in West Africa.
  • Visit your local supermarket or café (if they stock chocolate) and congratulate them. Also ask them to commit to doubling the amount of slavery-free chocolate they stock next Easter.
  • Promote a Slavery Free Easter in parish and school newsletters.
  • Go to  or




Anne Powell, Cenacle Sisters

for Talitha Kum Wellington