Prayer for Springtime - Susan Kelly, Waikanae Companions

It is spring now in New Zealand, and after what has seemed a tough winter for many, this may be a time for refreshment and re-energising. Although cold winds are blowing, and many trees still stand leafless, there are signs of the wonder of renewal in nature if we stop a moment to look for them.
This month you are invited to stop, to look with awe and gratitude at the Goodness of God in creation’s renewal.
Focus Suggestions
Mother Therese’s words may a start point for reflection:
I saw written as in letters of gold this word Goodness, which I repeated for a long while with an indescribable sweetness. I saw it, I say, written on all creatures, animate and inanimate, rational or not, all bore this name of goodness. I saw it even on the chair I was using as a kneeler. I understood then that all that these creatures have of good and all the services and aid that we receive from each of them is a blessing that we owe to the goodness of our God, who has communicated to them something of his infinite goodness, so that we may meet it in every thing and everywhere.
Where did you meet goodness today? Have there been times when it was difficult to see the goodness of God? What might Mother Therese say to us about this?
From this month’s readings
Isaiah 35:4-7 The blind will be able to see and the deaf will hear … Streams of water will flow in the desert …
The imagery in this passage reminds us of the power of God’s love and the potential for change in those who seek it. Pray with these images. Reflect on any desert areas in your life that need God’s refreshment now. Give thanks for the times of growth or renewal in the past and for those who have been the goodness of God in those moments.
James 1:17-18,21-22 Every good gift, every genuine benefit comes from above … humbly welcome the word that has taken root in you … Act on this word.
The passages from James and the gospel readings this month challenge us to not only see the goodness of God in our lives but also call us to act – how might you respond?
Music to pray with
Morning has broken (Eleanor Farjeon)
Come as you are (Deirdre Brown)
The Fullness of God (Frank Anderson)
Sing a New Song (Dan Schutte)
In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful (Taizé)
Bless the Lord my soul (Taizé)
Give Thanks (Henry Smith)
Be Still and Know (unknown)

Cosmic Breathing
I breathe in
I am land
I breathe out
I am listening
I breathe in
I am river
I breathe out
I am flowing
I breathe in
I am kauri
I breathe out
I am strong
I breathe in
I am rain
I breathe out
I am refreshed
I breathe in
I am rock
I breath out
I am centred
Anne Powell