“He made the Bear and Orion,
The Pleiades and the constellations of the south.
He does things great and unsearchable.”
Job 9: 9-10
We cannot plumb the depths of the creative power of God. Nor can we begin to comprehend the wisdom of his ways. We are the created; he is the creator. May our response be awe and reverence. Each expression of awe is a step toward ultimate truth: God is love.
O God, open our eyes to your wonders each day.

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;
the whole earth is full of his glory.”
Isaiah 6:3
God’s creative power reaches from the height of the heavens to the smallest of his works. No human artist or scientist can begin to approach the beauty or intricacies of his designs. Each atom has a purpose for him and for us. Each part of our own being is part of God’s plan, though we may never know what it is, for he wastes nothing.
Lord, remind me you have a purpose for each part of your creation.

“God is found in all things.”
St. Ignatius Loyola
The spirituality of St Ignatius can inspire us to seek God in the things we see and experience each day. We do not need to embark on journeys leading us to faraway places. We need only to be still and look and wait and see. The wonders of God are gifts waiting to be opened.
O God, reveal to me what I am missing. Open my eyes and heart, expand my vision, enhance my hearing.

“Lift up your eyes upon This day breaking for you. Give birth again
To the dream.”
Maya Angelou
The rays of sunlight each day remind me of God reaching out to me. They are there regardless of whether I am aware of them or not. The promise of God’s love is manifested. Even after the darkness of the night, we can arise and continue to live our dreams.
Lord, as you reach out to me each day, may I respond by grasping your hand.