Prepared by Debbie Miotto, Vancouver Associates
October Pope’s intention
For a shared mission
We pray that the Church continue to sustain in all ways a Synodal lifestyle, as a sign of co-responsibility, promoting the participation, the communion and the mission shared among priests, religious and lay people.

In 1826, Thérèse Couderc, along with Father Terme, founded the Sisters of the Cenacle. Their mission? To guide women in their spiritual journey through biblical instruction and retreats. This endeavor, however, was fraught with hardships and trials.
Consider we are on that journey with them, encountering many souls along the way.
The Cenacle mission is to “make Jesus known and loved” How do we show that at home, neighbourhood, parish, with friends and strangers?
Intentions for the Cenacle Family
Pray for everyone in the Cenacle family who recently celebrated the Feast day of Mother Therese last month on September 26.
Let us pray for the deceased members of the Cenacle family who now celebrate the risen presence of Jesus for all eternity
Let us pray for the poor, homeless, those who are forgotten in our societies.
In Canada September 30 is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
As we continue on our journey let us be comforted in the example of the sisters that crossed many oceans to establish Cenacle houses to make Jesus known and loved.
Do you have morning rituals for prayer
l like to begin the day facing the east and saying “Thank you for the night of rest, thank you for the morning light, thank you for your presence here, thank you for my life.
Photo courtesy of Andrea Miotto