September is the start of spring in New Zealand, and we see many signs of hope that the grey, cold winter is gone. Tui are back in the kowhai and cherry trees, fluffing their feathers, gorging on nectar and squawking their crazy songs; bulbs are sprouting, and buds are fattening with promise of colour. Perhaps this month can be a time of refreshment, a time for renewing hope and energy, for remembering where there is Goodness in our lives.
This month, I invite you to spend some time with Mother Therese, and picture yourself in the place you feel closest to her. Perhaps travel back in your imagination to Lalouvesc, sit with her in the garden there, or invite her to join you in a place that’s special for you.
Focus Suggestions
This month’s Sunday readings start with one of my favourite passages from Jeremiah 20:7-9
Then there seemed to be a fire burning in my heart, imprisoned in my bones. The effort to restrain it wearied me, I could not bear it.
- What is your passion? What makes your heart sing? Where or when are you most at peace?
- Spend some time reflecting on the things, the activities and especially the people that bring you joy, family members, friends, or perhaps your ‘fur family’. All are the signs of the goodness of God in our lives. Thank God for them, and perhaps find a way to let them know how much you value their presence in your life.
- Reflect on what first brought you to the Cenacle and how that has changed your life.
- Although its spring, some trees still stand bare and leafless. Is there a part of your life where the branches are bare, where the fire has gone out, and new growth is needed? Ask God for the grace of new life.
- Is there someone who needs your help to find their passion and joy? How could you bring Goodness to them?
Words to pray with
- My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God (Ps 63).
- The Lord is kind and merciful, slow to anger and rich in compassion (Ps 103)
- The days are coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made. (Jer 33:14)
- You will be given … a full measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over (Lk 6:38)
Music to pray with
- Make me a Channel (Prayer of St Francis) (S Temple)
- Wait in Joyful Hope (Michael Herry)
- The Fullness of God (Frank Anderson)
- A New Heart for A New World (T Watts and M O'Brien)
- Dona Nobis Pacem (Taisé)
- Only a Shadow (Carey Landrey)

Keepers of the Fire
We are here
on the beach
cross-legged at the fire
lighting the way
of the waka to home.
We are here
on the beach gathering
by our silence and
sparks of language
others to the fire.
We are here
on the beach blowing
on the embers
vulnerable as koru
transformed into flame.
We are there
in the thirsty land
cross-legged at the fire
drinking the stories.
We are there
in the desert sand
breathing purity of eucalyptus
centredness of rock.
We are here and there
the keepers of the fire
dangerous with the memory of Jesus.
Our clothes smell of ashes
and the phoenix continues to rise.
Anne Powell