Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God – Sunday, 1 January 2023

Greet the New Year
‘One year I observed what I felt was arising in my spirit as I greeted the Holy One on that first day of the New Year…I suggest that you also reflect on what is arising within you. Don’t think too hard about it. Just let it be a spontaneous naming of your awareness.” -Joyce Rupp
Perhaps you can pray this prayer standing, as a body prayer, or sitting, raising your arms, or simply, opening your hands. Let this become your daily prayer during January. You can add to it.
“I arise today with …..”
I arise with amazement at the presence of the Holy One.
I arise with gratitude for life.
I arise with hope that all shall be well.
I arise with courage to meet what will be difficult.
I arise with grief still settled in my spirit.
I arise with happiness, knowing I am invited to live life fully.
I arise with willingness to help those who will need my care.
Compassionate Companion and Faithful Friend, thank you for the opportunity to walk into another year of life.
Help me to be faithful, to be generous, to be yours.
Michelle Hogan, Waikanae Cenacle Companion