February 2023 Prayer Page

Dear Everyone,
Here is a piece I read which had quite an affect on me last year. I keep going back to certain “letters” and praying them often. I hope you will find something to meditate on. It is an exercise over two weeks, then you repeat it. Doing it a second time had an even deeper meaning for me. The prayer is from “God’s Word, 2022” with a few alterations.
As we commence Lent this month, this prayer suggestion could be an opportunity to discover what we have to let go of, or what we have to embrace more, in order to hear what the Lord wants of us in 2023.    
Merle Whiteman, Waikanae Companions


1 D Divine calling- how or when do I feel divinely called?
2 I Interior life & prayer. How would I describe my inner life of prayer?
3 S Service & sacrifice- where do I find myself?
4 C My commitment to God’s call
5 I Integrity of my witness
6 P Pursuing truth
7 L Listening- hearing God and others
8 E Empowerment of the Holy Spirit
8 S Stewardship of God’s grace & blessings
10 H Hope in the midst of adversity
11 I Intuition & discernment to read the signs of the times
12 P Perseverance to accomplish God’s mission
13   A day of praise & thanksgiving for a life of being a disciple & follower
    of Jesus
14   A day to journal

Over the next two weeks, repeat the exercise or maybe use the days, phrases or experiences which were most meaningful for you.