St. Therese Couderc has led us to embrace her spirituality on goodness, self-surrender and finding God in all
things. This time we are invited to live out fully her apostolic spirit as a response to the cry of the world. Amid the chaos, wars and conflict in Ukraine and other countries, violence and cruel deaths in the USA, the on-going pandemic in the whole world, the earthquake in Afghanistan, extreme poverty and hunger among our peoples, the apostolic spirit of Mother Therese has gained greater meaning and significance in our lives.
Quoting Mother Therese...
"The word (sacrifice) is little understood and a little appreciated. However, life cannot be without it, and we should love it, since
it is by sacrifice that the kingdom of God is established among all. Happy they who understand this for they will not fail to be generous and eager to make all the sacrifice Divine Providence places in their paths.”
Scripture Text for prayer: Luke 12:49
In what way has the apostolic spirit of Mother Therese inspired us personally and as a community of companions?
Recall any experience of serving others when you felt the apostolic spirit was truly alive, perhaps moments of consolation and desolation.

let’s make memories while we are here the earth is ours
for keeping
each day of our lives
we are called to become bearers of hope beacons of justice
and light of the world
like a sower of the seed
like a plant on sacred ground we scatter songs of laughter sunbeams and new moons for reaping
let’s make memories while we are here
we write our own story with tiny ripples of love
- Marietta Lea B. Rosana