Prayer page by Ronnie Parton, Waikanae Cenacle Companion
As the year unfolds before us, another year which looks to bring shadows and discomfort, it may not be easy to see The Holy One in all things.
Yet God gives us one chance after another to become new again, to allow things to grow in us, to birth ourselves afresh, to find and follow new ways towards the Holy.
How do I feel? What fresh paths do I glimpse? Can I find a new place of comfort?

Show me the right path, O Lord,
Point out the road for me to follow.
Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me.
Remember O Lord your tender care and your unfailing love. (Ps 25)
We don’t know where we are going, we don’t know where we are along the way and if we try to return we don’t know where we’ve been…Enjoy wherever you are, whatever is going on in your life right now is the birthing place of God for you. Give thanks. (Joan Chittister)
Lord, I offer you my thinking, and I ask you to give me peace.
Lord, I offer you all that I am feeling right now, and I ask you to give me joy.
Lord I breathe slowly and deeply once again, I set myself at rest in your presence and I ask you to make me whole.