Wait in Joyful Hope
Here in Wellington, as Advent approaches, we can see the abundance of God in the lushness of spring growth in our gardens, parks and beyond, after weeks of warm wet weather. As I toil to bring some order to the green chaos of my garden, in between showers of rain, I am reminded of the words of Mother Therese on the Goodness of God.
Prayer Suggestions
Create an Advent prayer space this month that is your place of peace and quiet amidst the busyness of the season.
- Walk with Mary as she travels to visit Elizabeth: what words of wisdom do these women have for you? Reflect on the words of the Magnificat
- Wait with Mary as she waits for the birth of her child, travelling far from family to find only a stable for shelter: what does she say about faithfulness?
- Remember the untold women and children who this year have fled conflict, famine, floods, poverty and persecution, for whom there has been no room at the inn, in Ukraine, Pakistan, Iran, Myanmar, and many other places, even New Zealand. Is there a way that you could make a difference for one of these women?
- Spend time in with Mother Therese in your own garden, or take a walk with her around your neighbourhood or in a nearby park or bushland: notice the abundance of nature and have a conversation about the goodness of God in our world, and especially in your own life. Give thanks for the goodness God has blessed you with, and take time to reflect on those desert areas of your life – ask for the patience to wait for them to grow and flourish.
Music is a wonderful way to pray:
- Wait in Joyful Hope (Michael Herry)
- The Fullness of God (Frank Anderson)
- A New Heart for A New World (T Watts and M O'Brien)
- O Come O Come Emmanuel
Words to Pray with
- The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light (Is 9:1).
- They will beat their swords into ploughshares (Is 2:4)
- The days are coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made. (Jer 33:14)
- Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever. (Ps 72:7)
- The desert and the parched land will exult, the wastelands will rejoice and bloom (Is 35:1)
- Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart (Lk 2:19)
- How patiently the farmer waits for the precious fruits of the ground until it has had the autumn rains and the spring rains. (James 5:5)

Come gentle rain of Advent-tide,
Soak deep into my heart,
Calling forth signs of an early spring.
Make buds appear on my heart’s barren rosebush
and blooms on its dried flower stalks.
Come showers of silence and wet my soul;
soak deeply with your fertile fingers,
dripping heaven’s dew.
May I come forth from my times of prayer as from a bath:
dripping wet from a sacred soaking,
refreshed, renewed, revitalised.
Advent prayer of December stillness,
dampen my dry soul,
coax forth green leaves of the Spirit
and bring forth buds of bright flowers
as green trees flicker with magic lights
and green wreath circles whirl on front doors,
red-bowed in festive joy.
Radiant Rain God,
make me your brimful cloud,
ready to shower down Emmanuel’s justice and peace
upon all I meet.
from Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim, Edward Hays