Lenten Psalm
We thank you God for the warming of the winds ,that brings a melting of the snow ,for daylight hours that daily grow longer and rich in the aroma of hope.
We lift up our hearts to you, O God, in this season of Lent that gently sweeps across our sluggish and sleeping hearts ,awaken us to a deeper love of you.
Birds above, on migratory wings ,signal us to an inner migration, a message that draws us homeward bound and Spirit’s wings, to the heart of our Beloved.
May we earnestly use this season of Lent to answer this inner urge to return.
May we embrace more fully the truth that only in the dyings can new life come, as with the wondrous crocus the burst through the darkness of winter‘s earth to fill our hearts with hope.
Dear Lord, May I yield to your love ,show me your kindness and gentleness. I say “you love me” but often I do not let this truth enter my heart. Let these weeks become an opportunity to let your love draw me closer to you. Amen