
November 2021 Prayer Page

Prayer for November 2021         

Sermon Slide Deck: "Do Not Be Anxious About Your Life ...    


Do not be anxious about your life” (Matthew 6:25)


We’re coming to the end of an “upside down year”.  A year in which not only human life has suffered and is still suffering - pain, fear, anxiety, but also the very planet we live on suffers too.

If we believe that God is in all things, even the storms that can seem overpowering, then somewhere within this year will be the Goodness of God.

This November can we wait, listen, learn, let go of anxiety… and in trust, find God in all things - for ourselves and for others. 

For it is in conveying “the Goodness of God in all things” (St. Therese Couderc) to all who surround us, that we embrace the world…offering hope, love, compassion, peace… 

                                                                 April Monthly Retreat: Earth's Embrace • Hiatus Spa + Retreat

Some words from Psalms 24 & 25


“…This universe is a wondrous work of God….

Those who seek God will see God…

Open the door of your heart.  Allow creator God to enter.

God, I give myself to you:  I do this with trust in your faithfulness….

I know that I will have fullness of life with you as my guide.”    (Patricia Stevenson RSJ)


What phrase, image, song or word speaks to you today?



By Ronnie Parton & Merle Whiteman (Waikanae Companions)