June 2021 Prayer Page
“If we live by the Spirit, let us always be guided by the Spirit” Gal 5: 25
Recently I heard a new definition for a GPS - God’s Plan of Salvation. - I was lead to ponder this variation on the usual meaning of a GPS and offer my following musings for your reflection.
It is interesting to note that whenever using a GPS in our cars and we fail to follow the directions for whatever reason, we are always re-directed by a steady calm voice to ensure we reach our destination. How blessed are we that on our Spiritual journey too, no matter how lost we may feel, or how we may be distracted, or even fail to hear or attentively listen to the prompts within us, that the Holy Spirit’s ‘Little Voice” of our GPS is constantly and lovingly, leading us to our True Authentic Selves. It is from this place of our uniqueness we are compelled within God’s Plan of Salvation for each of us, to reach out in Love as disciples of God’s mission to bring hope and healing within the many challenging issues that form the society and world in which we live.
Within this mosaic is an invitation to check where your GPS is leading and guiding you in the midst of it all.
Acts: 2: 2, 4,
"They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak different languages as the Spirit gave them power to express themselves."
The language of Love having many expressions, offers so many pathways towards the freedom of its fullness. Though the few pathways I have chosen below will be familiar, there may be one in which you feel called to meander with the Spirit and discover an ever deepening Presence.
(Speak your name as you begin)
Be Still and Know that I am God as we travel this journey together
Near restful waters I will lead you – Pause here, Listen and Hear the Breath of my Spirit in the sounds of silence, in the gentleness of the breeze. Immerse yourself in the beauty of My creation that surrounds you. Listen quietly - Breathe in my Spirit. Hear Me whisper My name on your breath – Yah – Weh
Filled with My Spirit – Take the pathway of Love which has many avenues and leads deep into the heart of your journey, Pause on the way that you may notice the places where I need you to be My Presence today. Listen and ponder within as I murmur deeply to you.
Come, follow Me, you are My disciple– Take the pathway of Patience, not always an easy path to travel. Do not rush, this path can be frustrating. Take your time and pause often, breathe, I need you to meet Me here. Listen quietly for My voice, wait, Trust me for I am faithful.
Treat others as you would like them to treat you. Take the pathway of Kindness and as you travel this undulating road recall the moments when you have selflessly given and generously received Kindness in its many shapes and forms. Rest a while here with Me that the essence of these experiences may be revealed
You shall be like a Watered Garden. Let us visit the Garden of Generosity. A place of beauty and bounty, yet in this place we hear the cries of the earth and the cries of the poor. How can you be My Presence in this place? Come, drink and be refreshed from the Fountain of Justice and Mercy and with your gifts I will lead you down Discernment Drive through to the Way of Wisdom. Here, under the tree of Knowledge, speak with me of your experiences on this pathway and I will show you the Way
Rest Now in my Love - Ahh the Cul-de-sac of Peace. The place where Joy and Peace abide in ever concentric circles over every pathway taken, however, for some not always quickly found. Bask here, let Me gaze upon you, feel the warmth of My tender embrace. Rejoice in my love. Receive, share and enjoy the gifts and fruits of My Spirit as you continue to become My Presence and co-creator with Me in renewing the face of the earth.
Go now in Peace,
I am With you on the Journey, ALWAYS with you.