July 2021 Prayer Page
This year we celebrate the 500 year moment of Conversion of Ignatius in Loyola and at the Cave in Manresa. The gradual movement from being self absorbed to becoming God absorbed.
Over the years I have cherished his preparatory prayer, sometimes even waiting outside my place of prayer taking the time to allow my heart to be reminded who it is who will be gazing at me.
Then sitting down in my chair in silence.
Just to begin our time of prayer, sit in your favourite place for your encounter with Jesus and become still.
Then after a few minutes listen to RMI Oracion Preparatoria.
(I am including the YouTube link.)
We find the prayer in the Spiritual Exercises # 46.
The preparatory prayer is to ask God our Lord for the grace that all of my intentions, actions and operations may be directed purely to the service and praise of his Divine Majesty.
Allow your heart to be readied for all of the encounters of the day.
Ignatius Loyola, by William McElcheran.
Fr Mark Chamberlain