August 2021 Prayer Page
Cenacle Family Prayer for August 2021
Prepared by Shirley Kelland, Travina Oh, and Clare O’Connor, Aotearoa New Zealand
Te Whaea Tapu
Mary’s Yes to God – listen to the brief audio from Shirley Kelland( attached)
A Modern ‘Magnificat’ Paraphrase
(Luke 1:47-55)
My soul is alive with thoughts of God.
What a wonder, their liberating works.
Though the world has been harsh to me,
God has shown me kindness,
seen my worth,
and called me to courage.
Surely, those who come after me will call me blessed.
Even when my heart weighs heavy with grief,
still, so does hope abide with me.
Holy is the One who makes it so.
From generation to generation,
Love’s Mercy is freely handed out;
None are beyond the borders of
God’s transforming compassion.
The power of God is revealed
among those who labour for justice.
They humble the arrogant.
They turn unjust thrones into dust.
Their Wisdom is revealed in
the lives and truths of those on the margins.
God is a feast for the hungry.
God is the great re-distributor of wealth and resources.
God is the ceasing of excessive and destructive
production, that all the earth might rest.
Through exiles and enslavement,
famines and wars,
hurricanes and gun violence,
God is a companion in loss,
a deliverer from evil,
a lover whose touch restores.
This is the promise They made
to my ancestors,
to me,
to all the creatures and creations,
now and yet coming,
and in this promise,
I find my strength.
Come, Great Healer,
and be with us.
Written by Rev. M. Barclay
Our Lady of Korea (artist unknown)
2 songs for prayer:
Tell out my Soul – link
Ka Waiata - link
A separate link is an attachment with a sharing by kuia Shirley.