
May Prayer Page by Merle Whiteman


Cenacle Companions Renewal


Fire of the Spirit of Pentecost

         Charism of Mother Therese

Walking the way of Ignatius

We gather this day

To recommit ourselves

To taking this path in our lives

May we continue to be

Faithful to your call

And share with great abundance and joy

The gifts you give us

To make Jesus known and loved

And see goodness in all. Amen


Cenacle Sisters Vow Renewal

All:   Let us continue to pray and support each other. Amen.




When the day of Pentecost came round they were all gathered together in one place and suddenly from heaven there came a sound like a rush of wind and it filled the entire house where they were all sitting.  Like tongues of fire it rested on each one of them and they were filled with the Holy Spirit  (Acts 2: 1-4)

  • In this space with Mary and the Apostles name yourself ………………………….

  • Look around you ... how others are reacting?

  • What is your response?

  • Do you want to stay or do you want to run away?              

  • Take time to … journal your experience.


Cenacle Family Gathering – June 2019

  • Read the Scripture again ... slowly

  • Set the scene at last year’s Upper Room where we spent time together.


What is that Upper Room story for you ... the feeling of us all together from all walks of life and different places in the world, yet none of us felt like strangers, even though we are all different and unique!

What is it that holds us all together?


  • Maybe journal or draw a picture of your experience



COVID-19 ... where does that put all of us now in relation to our Upper Room experiences ...                                                                                            

Do we feel isolated, alone, lonely, in a state of loneliness or do we still feel connected, supported and in tune with a Pentecost experience?
We are still the same people pictured above.

How can we, from our own little bubble, live out our gospel message?
What do each of us need to do for ourselves right now … a phone call, a text message, an email?


  • Journal/write/draw of your experience …