November Cenacle Meditation Prayer by Ray Norton
(Playing some quiet meditation music can also be added if preferred)
Take up a comfortable position, either on the floor or your chair, feet flat on the floor, hands resting on your lap or by your side. It may help to close your eyes.
Feel your body making contact with the chair and your feet on the floor. Now slowly take a deep breath filling your lungs, feel your stomach enlarge, fully expending your lungs. Hold your breath a moment, then slowly exhale through the mouth. Do this a few times being mindful of your body’s sensations. Be thankful for your breath as we do not have to do anything to breath. It is a natural action provided by God. We do not have to concentrate on doing it, It just happens. A gift.
During the meditation if your mind wanders, take a few deep breaths and try to return, embrace the wandering mind. It is what the mind does. Now I would like to lead you to a place. In your mind’s eye, I would invite to take a journey. We start by walking along a path that has a small gravel topping that can be felt compressing under foot as we walk along. Feel the loose small stones. Walking slowly take notice of the plants and weeds encroaching the path from both sides. As we make our way along the path we can see an old brick and stone wall covered with moss and lichen. Stand a moment and take a big breath and observe the beauty of this old wall. What is it protecting, hiding or preserving from outside. The path ends at a large wooden door made from heavy timber supported by large cast iron hinges and a cast iron latch.
Opening the door takes a lot of energy as it is very heavily built and the hinges squeak as the door opens. With the door opened, we are greeted by a beautiful garden. The path changes to a hard laid brick structure with moss growing between the bricks. Feel the solid structure under foot with each step. Each side of the path are beautiful flowers, yellow, pink, purple, orange, all types of shaped petals. The leaves on the plants are light and dark green, large and small. Take a deep breath and enjoy the colours as beautiful as they are, so different in colour and shape. Pellets and leaves bent and twisted to form such beauty. This beauty attracts the most wonderful creatures. Small native bees, honey bees, hover flies, butterflies and dragon flies. Each one is special and they all contribute to create this wonderful place. Without the old brick and stone wall this beautiful place would be so vulnerable to fire and devastation.
As I lift my eyes, I see a large old tree in the centre of the garden. The trunk is over a metre in diameter and the roots are protruding from the ground as if holding the tree in suspension. The bark is rough and thick and has deep vertical furrows like vertical rivers on the trunk. Grey to light green lichens grip on to the knurled bark as if clinging for life. When I walk up to the tree and embrace it, I can feel the texture of the bark. I gently rub my hands on the bark and small pieces gently fall away from the edges of the furrows. While holding the tree, take a deep breath in and hold the breath. Can you smell the wood of the tree? Feel the greatness and power of the tree. It feels so strong.
Feel the energy coming from the ground up the trunk. It has been getting this energy for hundreds of years. The leaves above rustle in the gentle breeze. They are tapping each other as if they are clapping and happy to be alive. The leaves are consuming the carbon dioxide and absorbing the rays of the sun to give energy to the tree. Can you feel this energy coming from below and above, all provided from our creator God. Hold the tree tight and feel the energy. All feels in harmony. Take some deep breaths in and exhale slowly through the mouth, enjoying the goodness and beauty of nature. As custodians of this land we are entrusted with protecting this gift.
Now slowly bring yourself back to this room, feeling your body supported by the chair and the floor. Listen to the sounds within the room, gently breathing and being mindful. In your own time open your eyes and be aware of the present moment and the persons around you.