Objectives and Purpose

Cenacle Sisters Trust Board - Objectives and purpose

International Cenacle Mission Statement:

We work for the transformation of the world by awakening and deepening faith with and for the people of our time.

Aotearoa New Zealand Cenacle Mission Statement:

We companion people on their faith journey in the midst of life.
Living justice and Gospel values, we draw from our experience of God,
creating a place where people can encounter God.

We express this mission primarily through retreats, spiritual direction, supervision, facilitation , formation projects, spirituality and poetry workshops and young adult ministry and music ministry. The Cenacle Sisters have initiated many of these ministries and have a formative role in training retreat directors.

Responding to people's needs for faith formation, we have flexible and accessible programmes by taking Retreats in Daily Life and spirituality programmes out among the people.

Many people express a hunger for meaningful spirituality and a sense of belonging. How we communicate God's word has changed over the years to meet the needs and new challenges our world faces. For example, the need to address ecological issues and come to understand spirituality in a way that encourages people to communicate with God our Creator though appreciating and respecting our beautiful landscape.

We have a consciousness and commitment to honour and integrate Maori spirituality into our ministry.

We need to keep finding a new language of faith that is comprehensible to people today. We have a creative approach to our ministry through poetry, music and art.

In particular our Team offers Retreats in Daily Life as a way to invite people to create some space in their often hectic, troubled lives. These retreats are accessible for people from all sorts of backgrounds and are ecumenical. We have made a deliberate choice to welcome all people on these retreats, regardless of their capacity to contribute financially.