
Take some time to reflect on GOODNESS in our world

In a letter from Mother Therese Couderc to Mother de Larochenegly written August 10, 1866, she shares:

"A few days ago, I saw something that consoled me very much. It was during my thanksgiving, when I was making a few reflections on the goodness of God and how would it be possible not to think of this in such moments: of this infinite goodness, uncreated goodness, source of all goodness! And without which there would be no goodness, neither in people nor in other creatures. I was extremely touched by these reflections, when I saw written as in letters of gold this word, Goodness which I repeated for a long while with an indescribable sweetness. I saw it, I say, written on all creatures, animate and inanimate, rational or not all bore this name of Goodness. I saw it even on the chair, which I was using for a kneeler. I understood then that all that these creatures have of good and all the services and help that we receive from each of them are a blessing that we owe to the goodness of our God, who has communicated to them something of his infinite goodness, so that we may meet it in everything and everywhere."

Take time in this season each day to reflect on where you experience GOODNESS for example, in

  • the colour of a sunset
  • the beauty of a flower
  • people chatting over a coffee
  • the smell of the sea
  • the twinkle of lights at night

Stop and pay attention a while, notice and then give thanks.

This contemplation will bring you peace and hope!